Care Ministry

At BHCC, our desire is to create a structure that invites a natural culture of care. We want all individuals who walk through our doors to feel seen and cared for. We’ve learned that this looks different for everyone. As such, we have designed this new structure of care that we will be implementing this fall.

Wellness Team

Provide care for individuals who are in the hospital, ill/sick, had a baby, and/or are temporary shut-ins (less than one month).

Expectations of Care Pastor/team:

  • Line up and carry out hospital visitation throughout duration of admission
  • Meet immediate needs (ie: grocery shopping, pick up meds)
  • Check in with spouse and family to find out needs (ie: gas cards, food, pet care)
  • Communicate updates to Elders and Pastor David on condition
  • Be mindful of potential future needs to pass along to the Care Team (ie: ramp will need to be built for home, will be a long-term shut-in)
Physical Team

Provide care for individuals who require a physical need to be met.

Expectations of Care Pastor/team:

  • Scope out project/need and line up appropriate individuals to provide work
  • Oversee project to completion
  • Communicate external needs back to the Care Team (ie: neighbors stopped by and mentioned a project – could potentially be a Faith in Action project, for example)
Grief Team

Provide care for individuals who are experiencing grief, loss, or have fallen on hard times.

Expectations of Care Pastor/team:

  • Line up and carry out funeral/visitation visits, if applicable
  • Provide 1-1 contact with individual/family by phone or card
  • Simply be present, communicate availability
  • Relay available community resources (to be provided by BHCC/Care Team)
Long Term Shut-Ins Team

Provide care for individuals who are generally house-bound for longer than one month. (Currently known as the Compassion Team.)

Expectations of Care Pastor/team:

  • Provide communion to individuals
  • Coordinate and carry out visits to home/nursing home
  • Elderly care (ie: grocery shop, pick up meds, drive to appointments)
  • Send cards
Prayer Team

Provide care for individuals through prayer, both as a prayer warrior individually and as a prayer leader in a group setting.

Expectations of Care Pastor/team:

  • Communicate out prayer needs to the church body through email, Facebook, etc
  • Prayer room presence on Sunday mornings to pray out loud with anyone who enters
  • Responsible for obtaining prayer request slips from the offering on Sundays and earnestly praying over them
  • Communicate immediate concerns/needs to Care Team and/or Pastor David
  • Praying for and/or with other BHCC ministry teams and Care Pastors
New Attendees Team

Provide care for individuals who are new to Blessed Hope Community Church.

Expectations of Care Pastor/team:

  • Recognize new attendees at BHCC and make an effort to introduce themselves
  • Offer a quick five-minute run-down of BHCC’s mission and values
  • Provide a short-term “mentorship” (no more than six months) if wanted
  • Make connections with other individuals/ministry groups within BHCC
  • Communicate opportunities (ie: weekly newsletter sign-up, private Facebook page, Pizza with the Pastor)
  • Help get plugged into a life group when appropriate

Complete the form below to submit a care request