Our Purpose
Blessed Hope Community Church exists to bring a hurting world the hope of Jesus.

Follow Jesus

Connect with the Church


Live with Purpose
Our Core Values
We will go wherever Jesus leads us.
Matthew 9:9; Philippians 3:12-14
• Surrender to and depend on the authority of Jesus.
• Choose Jesus over your own comfort.
• Embrace the necessity of change for the sake of the adventure.
• Drive what seems impossible with optimism and enthusiasm.
Jesus is victorious, therefore so are we.
John 16:33; 1 Corinthians 15:56-58
• Jesus didn’t improve me. He made me new.
• Live free from your hurts, habits and hang-ups.
• Live out your God-sized purpose.
• Joy is attractional and contagious.
• Build powerful and significant relationships.
We are relentless in His mission that no one is left behind.
Luke 19:10; 1 Corinthians 9:22-23
• Be trained. Be prepared. Be Aware.
• Do whatever it takes, short of sin, to reach people for Jesus.
• Boldly love people where they’re at even when it is dangerous and uncomfortable.
• Lead people to a growing relationship with Jesus.
• Be responsible to and for “One Another”.
In everything we do, we will let God flow thru us.
John 13:34; Luke 6:38
• Lead with irrational generosity.
• Joyfully give of yourself through your time, talents and resources.
• Consistently connect with God; Read the Bible, pray, show up at church.
• Allow God to use others in meeting your needs.
No masks. No agendas. No excuses.
John 6:38; Hebrews 12:1-2
• Don’t make it about you.
• Submit and be accountable to one another.
• Allow the real you to be known; mess and all.
• Strip off everything that gets in the way of pursing Jesus and run.
Our Beliefs
We believe in the Holy Trinity - One God, who exists eternally; The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, who through His perfect life and sacrificial death atoned for the sins of all who will trust in Him, alone, for salvation.
Our Team
We have a great team here at Blessed Hope Community Church and we are here to serve you. Here's some more about us.