The Well exists to host BHCC weekly youth groups, bible studies and open hangout times where Christian adults build relationships with students to make sure they know they are loved, valued and matter in this world.
It is our desire to come alongside students as they learn there is HOPE in this broken world that can be found through a personal relationship with Jesus.
“THE WELL gathering place” was designed to provide an outreach opportunity to reach middle school/ high school students. While there are many ways to draw students into the building (coffee/energy drink bar, gym, game systems etc) we desire to provide a safe place where students can come as they are and have positive relationships with trusted adults who are willing to step into their messy lives. Through organic conversations in a non-intimidating atmosphere, volunteers listen to their stories and learn what's important to them because they genuinely care about their joys, triumphs, heartaches, and setbacks. Our goal isn’t to see how quickly we can make their drink orders, but the conversations we have while making them. The primary goal of this space is for every young person who enters this building to have the opportunity to make an informed decision to be a follower of Jesus Christ - knowing many times this starts with trusted relationships with other believers.